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As the Covid-19 cases are at an all-time high, all the businesses are trying to make themselves as secure as possible for their customers. Ride sharing app Ola announced that its auto rickshaws will be fumigated every 48 hours and protective screens will be installed between driver and the passenger as a safety measure.

The company has established 100 fumigation centers across the nation for the autos registered on its platform. Delhi houses 15 centers presently with an expectation of more in near future. The steps taken under RideSafeIndia initiative will not incur any extra cost for the partnered autos, as told by the company.

“With these added safety measures for Ola Auto, both driver-partners and passengers are assured of a comfortable and safe ride. All Ola Autos on the platform will be fitted with a protective partition screen between the driver-partner and passenger section as an additional layer of protection to ensure physical separation,” the company said in a statement.

Ola will be investing in ensuring the compliance of hygiene protocols across all 120 cities where it operates. As part of its RideSafeIndia initiative, Ola has enhanced cleanliness protocols, implemented vehicle sanitization practices and incorporated technological advancements, for Ola Autos at no extra charge

The company will be using selfie authentication feature to check if the drivers are wearing masks or not and the drivers will also be following social distancing as they are not required to service in hotspots and crowded areas. All the Ola vehicles come with safety equipment like masks, sanitizers and cleaning tools. The passengers also have an option to cancel a ride if the driver does not follow the guidelines making travel more convenient.


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