Subscription-based micro delivery platform OwO Technologies has launched its mobile application for both Android and iOS devices. The startup has raised initial funding of Rs 5 crore and started its operations in Gurugram with plans of expansion in Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune, Bangalore and Chennai by next 12-18 months.
Ajay Channgani, CEO- OwO Technologies, said “India is a huge market for e-commerce products and every other international brand is pushing money in the Indian market because of the potential it has. However, we recognized that none of these e-com biggies is truly an Indian entity. All the major players in the market are funded by one or the other foreign enterprise(s). Adding on, none of these players is penetrating more than 50-60 cities across India. Realizing that we have an opportunity to create an e-commerce delivery app that touches almost every district in India with a product that everyone needs, specifically to promote only ‘Made in India products, we decided to take a leap and hence OwO was born.”
The firm has a detailed plan of expansion where it has divided regions and will grow in a phased manner covering about 600 cities by the year 2023. OwO presently employees 50 people and plans to onboard 100 more within next 3 months. They aim to have an overall company size of 5000 by the end of 2023.
They have also set up temperature-controlled warehouses every 15 kms for operational excellence. The services are live for B2B and B2C segments and the firm is presently serving packaged drinking water in Gurugram.