Internet is definitely not the safest place for kids to consume information and who better than mothers would know this. Keeping children entirely off internet also means depriving them of knowledge about world and stopping them from being a world citizen. The exposure to news and current affairs is important but the current state of media is worrisome for children. Gayatri Luthra, Ruchi Mitroo, Shikha Chaturvedi and Priya Wadhawan, a group of 4 mothers decided to solve this problem and therefore began igraasp.
The mothers were worried about the kind of content their kids would consume off internet so they began a specially designed and curated news channel for children. With the idea to bring content by kids, for kids, the startup is a youtube channel which produces content on bi-weekly basis. The school children host the show and the script is curated by the co-founders. They entire shooting is done in a studio set up.
The channel was launched in February this year and already has reached 1.69K subscribers with 90 videos hosted so far. The entire idea of kids hosting the show was to create more impact by giving them knowledge through someone of their age group. They use reliable and subscribed channels like NatGeo for content. The anchors are either outsourced from schools or parents themselves nominate their kids for on-screen presence but due to the lockdown one of the co-founders, Ruchi has been hosting the show.
The initial investment of Rs 40 lakh in the startup was used for building website, editorial and social media team. They have also reached out to few renowned school pan India. The content is specially designed for kids with right language. The short news bytes provide them with current affairs which does not require long screen time. The mothers realize the importance of a kid’s development in earlier stages of life and its important for them to stay informed to be future ready. Through their channel, thousands of kids are learning something new and getting more aware of the world.