Ken42, a Bangalore-based EdTech startup has raised Rs 11 crore in latest funding round led by Turbostart, a national program for early stage startups. Muralidhara C, Managing Partner, Murali & Co, Advocates and Mohan Raju Manthena, Director, SRK Infrastructure also participated in the investment round.
The company has decided to infuse the raised funds in Product Development, Marketing, Business Development and Operations. Ken42 has an extensive platform which caters to the needs of schools, universities, educators and students. The platform allows institutions to plan, schedule and automate actions and combine them with existing learning management systems, web classroom service and HR platforms,
Founded in 2019 by Ganesh Raju, Ken42 has seen an upsurge in its userbase during the Covid-19 period as physical classes in educational institutions are barred due to the fear of contraction and everyone is shifting to online classes. The platform helps institutions with student acquisition, student management and with connecting different campuses across the common platform, among some of its functions.
For teachers the platform allows content creation (video, audio and graphic content), student performance, grading and testing. Registered students can use Ken42 for career development features like internships, events and workshops among other functions.
As the entire administration is working from home, the demand for consolidated document management in schools have increased in the last few months as they presently use multiple platforms to run their processes. The startup said that it has a series of “strategic alliances and long-standing relationships with premier educational institutions and governmental organizations” which are helping it stay closely aligned to educational policy and change.